Single-channel training

I did pretty well last year avoiding colds. Maybe there is truth in that when you’re in good fitness you can be a little more resistant to the bugs.

Anyway, despite that, I have succumbed. Nothing as serious as man-flu but I am totally deaf in one ear. Which is very annoying. But judging by the effort it took to run 7 miles this morning, I’m clearly not running at full steam. Either that, or I shouldn’t have gone out to the chippie last night…….

Thus far, the marathon training is going to plan – assuming the plan I’m following counts as a marathon plan. Over 3 weeks in February I covered over 100 miles which I was very surprised at! Pleased all the same mind although I’d be lying if I said it was getting easier.

I’ve tried some new routes this year. There’s always a risk of repeating oneself because one knows that a particular route is a certain length and that’s as far as the thought process goes.

I did come slightly unstuck when I tried a route which snuck through Lyme Park, a big National Trust park where Pride & Prejudice was filmed, and contrived to completely miss it. Perhaps I need to add a footnote to my running software review about possibly carrying a map as well. Ho hum, I got home, cold and wet, but having covered my first half-marathon distance of 2014.

New website layout as well from today. I’m still trying to tidy up the categories so that  things make a little more sense . Let me know what you think.

1 Comment on "Single-channel training"

  1. Argh stuffed ears are seriously the most annoying symptom. Makes my entire head feel off.

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