Day 14 of lockdown
I’ve had a couple of attempts to write a post since day 8. But to be honest, not enough has happened to write about. It’s certainly something I’ve been thinking about. Back in April 2015…
I’ve had a couple of attempts to write a post since day 8. But to be honest, not enough has happened to write about. It’s certainly something I’ve been thinking about. Back in April 2015…
Well, it’s been a pretty angst-ridden time lately. On Monday 23rd the UK imposed it’s first proper stab at a lockdown. Coronavirus – things are getting more serious Essentially the “rules of the game” were…
A question I’ve pondered over the years as an advocate of physical exercise is how one encourages others to get involved. Is it enough to preach about the benefits or do we need to incentivise…
I make a general effort to avoid the news. Since my illness last year I tend to find that there are so many potential triggers that affect me, it’s safer to avoid it. And to…