Village Bakery Wrexham Half Marathon – race review
It’s been a little while since I’ve been in Wrexham. The fact I only ever go there to run races possibly accounts for that. Indeed, I’ve already run a half marathon in Wrexham. And my…
It’s been a little while since I’ve been in Wrexham. The fact I only ever go there to run races possibly accounts for that. Indeed, I’ve already run a half marathon in Wrexham. And my…
Today was the Wrexham Marathon Festival 2017. And having got home and eaten a lot, I’m ready to put together a write up! Wrexham Marathon Festival 2017 This year the WMF consists of three main…
Well it has been about 10 weeks since my injury-inducing run at Wrexham and after rather a large amount of physio I had at least got running again, although was slower and seemingly quicker to…
Although not a fan of any soap operas personally, it’s hard to ignore them as they fill the tv airwaves as long and wide as they broadcast. And whilst they go seeking for evermore realistic…