
In between thinking about science today there’s been quite an influence of music.

The poor neglected piano that sits in the lounge has had some recent attention whilst I try to learn to play a Beethoven Sonata (op27 no2 in C# minor). With rusty fingers and a lot of stopping to peer (and count) leger lines in the nether regions of the lower octaves it’s been slow progress. I mean I learned to play the first movement 25+ years ago – that’s the famous ‘Moonlight’ movement but for whatever reason I disliked the second movement and never looked at the Presto Agitato. But having discovered the whole sonata online I discovered what I was missing.

Seriously, have a listen to it. The Presto Agitato starts at 8m5s and is superb. I used to play a lot of Beethoven sonatas but tended to find they’d start with a real gusto, but then finish quietly – perhaps it was just me that always wanted the big finale! At least the sonata in E Major which I played for my Grade 8 exam finished with a flourish, although it was nerve-wracking to have to perform it in an exam.

Interestingly my browser doesn’t recognise ‘nerve-wracking’ and is suggesting ‘fire-walking’ as a substitute.

In between massacring piano pieces I’ve listened to a few albums – some modern rock/pop (Alistair Griffin),  some industrial synth (Fr/Action) and some gentle more mature rock (Artmagic). All good harmless fun.

Actually haven’t done any press myself today – unless you count exercises at the gym. I did manage to get a rather moody photograph back from the weekend though which MEN Media kindly let me have – I stuck a (c) thing on it as they asked that were it used elsewhere a reference was made, and it seemed that was the most obvious way of doing it. Not seen the article yet – apparently that’s out later in the week!


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