A foot in the right direction
Well the leg does seem to be improving. It is hurting in different ways now, which I will take as a small positive. Needless to say, I’m still doing my stair-shuffle, much to the amusement…
Well the leg does seem to be improving. It is hurting in different ways now, which I will take as a small positive. Needless to say, I’m still doing my stair-shuffle, much to the amusement…
It’s been almost a week since Wrexham. And a week without any meaningful exercise. Which is boggling for me at the moment. To be fair, I tried to start the week as normal being out…
Although not a fan of any soap operas personally, it’s hard to ignore them as they fill the tv airwaves as long and wide as they broadcast. And whilst they go seeking for evermore realistic…
Well it’s been a difficult week this one. I’ve not run for a start. Two reasons really, firstly it’s been stupidly busy although at least one of the extra meetings was cancelled so at least…
It’s been a busy week so far. Monday and Tuesday were characterised by the fact that whenever I went out driving for work I seemed to end up in a queue behind a funeral cortege….