Having got in yesterday afternoon after a walk with the family I realised I was a little tender around the base of the spine. I suspect it’s a pulled muscle or an aggravated nerve, but either way I let discretion rule over valor today and didn’t run. In fact I think I may leave things until the race on Sunday, just to make sure it clears up.
It’s not as if the weather is being particularly inviting with lots of rain travelling roughly in a horizontal plane.
I was chatting online to one of my contacts who is doing a little bit of running and suggested he considered a 5k organised run as something to aim at. He’s new to running but has achieved this distance on the treadmill at the gym.
Whilst I was online I received an email from RunWales.com about the Snowdonia Half-Marathon which is next month. Now I took part in this last year and it was jolly hard with a sadistic 1:7 hill covering most of the distance between the 3rd and 4th mile markers!
On looking at their site I read the following: “A slight change to the course this year following feedback from runners, its seems it should be a little more challenging given the name “Snowdonia Half Marathon” so we have listened and oh yes it is now more challenging, we have taken out the Betws y Coed section and re-routed you after Lake Geirionydd back down to near Gwydyr Castle and then back up to the top and down the hill you get a medal for, good luck guys, you’ll need it!!!”
Common sense states that one should think – “madness, thank goodness I did that last year!”
So what possessed me to immediately click the ‘enter race‘ button I’ll never know. Perhaps I really am going mad in my middle age!
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