Bikes, Legs and……. Bluetooth??

Well it’s been a mostly relaxed week, at least compared to those preceding it. And with fair weather, the possibility of getting out into the open and doing a little bit of exercise has been available too.

So during this week I’ve been out on the bike a couple of times as well as managing two short runs.

As it stands, the running is much slower than it was before, but the fact it doesn’t hurt whilst I’m doing it is something I’ll take over the speed any day. Of course I’m hopeful the pace will start to come back in the same way that it’s taken three outings before I have been able to run more than a couple of miles without getting out of breath. Something which was an unwelcome surprise last Sunday when I discovered my lungs had packed themselves off for their own Easter break, without either telling or inviting the rest of me!

And as a special treat, mostly due to the decent weather, both road and trail shoes were treated to a break away themselves – to the washing machine. So now they are clean and drying out ready for their next adventure. With the positive side effect that my shoe-rack now smells a lot better than it did before!

Freshly laundered running shoes

Freshly laundered running shoes

Last year, and again whilst I was unable to run, I started taking the road cycling a little more seriously. I’d discovered distance-cycling during the 13 Challenge by making the Manchester to Blackpool journey and realised that I needed to be a lot fitter if I was going to take on any route that was anything other than flat. My trip with bike to Snowdonia was memorable and the plans are afoot to repeat the experience in 2015. Same 47 mile route – I’m not close to being able to manage the 78 miler, let alone anything further. So it’s been pleasant getting out on the wheels to travel somewhere other than to work. And even moreso when the weather is fine.

The ‘Very’ saga of last week has also finally come to a welcome finale, with said faulty tablet safely back at their warehouse and the money safely back in my bank account. And whilst I’m a computer-screen gadget shorter than before, I have purchased a cheap and excellent bluetooth keyboard which means I can reasonably touchtype on the old netbook without having to shout at the incorporated keyboard for only registering  1 button out of every 3 or so. Which when I’m trying to update the blog is just a tad annoying. So far, it’s £22 well spent. And a lot cheaper than most of the alternatives and other flashy gadgets which I seemed to be drooling over whilst the saga of returning the duff tablet was ongoing.

Yes it appeared I had some form of gadget deficit syndrome. But the keyboard is a nice and, for a change, cheap alternative. It also means I can type text messages into my phone without the auto-correct (also known as make it up as it goes along) function kicking in to write me the message I wasn’t writing.

If you are in the market for a bluetooth keyboard, have a look at this ianker one – I’m suitably impressed 🙂

1 Comment on "Bikes, Legs and……. Bluetooth??"

  1. It is always a good idea to give yourself a little present…and a keyboard is a present just as anything else!:-)
    Get better quickly, and thank you for following my blog.

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