Running, Faulty Tablets, and Creme Eggs

It’s Easter, The time of the year where it is acceptable to like fluffy bunny rabbits as well as fluffy kittens.

And chocolate. Lots of it. In egg shapes. Bar shapes. Any shape really, providing it’s chocolate.

All of this would not be a problem were I training on a regular basis, however with the lack of running recently I fear I’m adopting a similar shape to an egg. And I probably contain just as much chocolate.

On a positive note, I did get out for a run this afternoon. Admittedly it was a short one – only 8 miles long – and looking at the stats it was my second-slowest 8-miler ever. But that was in part due to my sense of direction letting me down on several occasions, fighting with a gate which I couldn’t secure, the fact it was warm and the fact I’ve eaten my body-weight in Creme Eggs this week.

To be fair, it wasn’t the best of runs. The achies in my left side were still definitely present although nowhere close to the intensity that they were when I was at Wrexham. I was also discovering how difficult it is to try to consciously change the way one runs. I know from the video footage at RunExpo that my right leg has a tendency to fly off to the side, but doing something about it appears to be more difficult than I’d have anticipated.

Getting home and showered I then did a pile of core-strengthening exercises which I am hoping will help make the relevant corrections. The physio has suggested that once it is all bedded in, I’ll probably be quicker. But I may just need to shed a few pounds of chocolate eggs first…….

I needed the run today. Yesterday was one of those very frustrating days. I had ordered a spangly new tablet computer in the week but on receipt the screen had a number of dead pixels and so it needed to be returned. Very, in all the helpfulness gave me a 12 hour slot when the courier may attend, so Saturday was spent stuck at home. To be fair, it forced me to tackle a few of the chores; washing and ironing was done, plants potted up, house hoovered from top to bottom, and when by 4pm the courier still hadn’t shown up, I re-sealed the bath.

Needless to say, by 7pm and the end of the 12 hour slot, it was a no show and a sharp email was sent to Very, who had, throughout the day when I had called them, been Very Useless at being any help whatsoever.

Their resolution came in an email this morning. The courier would come sometime on Tuesday……

I’m always conscious that the people on the customer service line are in an awkward position, often being unable to do anything to resolve a situation but still in the firing line from unhappy customers. However I made my frustration about the matter clear before they explained there was a drop-off service available, which, had they told me about in the first place, would have meant the whole debacle could have been avoided in the first place. Said offending item was dropped-off shortly afterwards and I didn’t drop-kick the tablet towards their depot in Oldham despite suggesting that was how i felt about the situation.

Which left me rather bemused when at 3pm the courier turned up to collect the parcel. Rest assured, no violence was used against him, despite him being entirely  oblivious to the fact he was 24 hours late and didn’t seem to comprehend that this might happen to be a tad annoying.

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