B&Q it? I’d rather DIY.

Two more races booked now. Buxton in a fortnight’s time and Capesthorne, one of my latter ones of the challenge, back in November.

So that means 12 out of the 13 half-marathons are booked, leaving only Congleton which isn’t open yet, to be done. The bike ride is entered (organised is too strong a word given the bike hasn’t even come out of the shed yet). The Stockport 10 again will be opening in a few months but we’ll probably have to wait for the summer to pass before then.

Weather isn’t looking too sparkling for the weekend race, but it’s a flat one and so long as I pace it right, we should be OK. That’ll be Challenge Race #6 – the half-marathon half-way point (ish).

Today has been a bit of a mess really. B&Q were supposed to be visiting to help me plan my kitchen, but it seems that the planner took my phone number down wrong, couldn’t confirm with me so told the store he wasn’t coming. Now, surely anyone else would confirm they had the details correct before abandoning the visit (the store have my correct details, I know because I have a print out from them with the phone number across the top). But no, this would be a step too far.

So I can only conclude they have more than enough business to not need to worry about checking their records. Needless to say, they won’t be getting my business, if they can’t even come along with a sales pitch, can they really be trusted with getting the order right, let alone delivering it?

I have in the meantime put some food items on my new shelves. And so far both food items and shelves remain in place in the cupboard and (thus far) are not in many pieces across the floor.

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