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A weekend away

I was invited down to Cambridgeshire this weekend for a family get together for my great-niece’s Christening. It’s the first time I’ve been back for about 6 weeks I think, might even be more than…

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Generally OK.

The late summer bank holiday really could have represented any time of the year with the exception of summer. Heavy downpours and even people complaining it was cold this evening. But maybe that was just…

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Rain, later

It’s a bank holiday in the UK. Which normally means rain. And yes, lots of it forecast. It coincides with my weekend off which is good, especially in the light of the last few days….

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Sometimes you think things are coming together when suddenly all around the bag bursts and everything spills out over the floor. That’s how things feel right now. I don’t actually know what happened yesterday. I…

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life in chunks

Just listening to some R.E.M. on the computer and it reminded me of life over 10 years ago. Not long out of Uni, starting in the working world and frequent get together with old college…

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A busy, yet unremarkable day. After the rainstorm of yesterday everything was calm again. Builders arrived with large amounts of concrete for the new floor, which was quickly laid and they went away whilst it…

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2 months

Tonight is 2 months since Mark passed away. It feels odd, partly as if it all happened a lifetime ago, partly as if it happened yesterday. It’s been a very different month to its predecessor….

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Bolognese sandwiches

Not updated the diary in a few days. Haven’t really been in the mood if I’m honest. Still not sleeping well and still getting flashbacks which isn’t really helping things. They seem to be triggered…

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Proud of Team GB

Well I must say in the lead up to the Olympics I was very much in the ‘bah humbug’ camp. A lot of the things that were going wrong such as the security malarky could…

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